8 Week Programs begin January 6-12, 2025

Junior Ski Programs

Click Here to Register for Programs

Our junior programs are designed to be a fun learning experience for all levels. Young skiers will learn ski techniques through games played, imitation, natural movements and fun. All Junior Programs meet at the Snow School bell on the east side of the Columbia chair lift. Minimum of 5 participants required to run a group lesson.
Please note: Rental forms must be signed by a parent or legal guardian if under 18 years of age.

Weekend Juniors Program, 7-13 Years

Saturday or Sunday at 9:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm or 2:30pm

Evening Juniors Program, 7-13 Years

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 6:30pm

Teen Friday Program, 13-15 Years

Friday at 6:30pm


All groups, unless otherwise specified, run for 1 hour, 25 minutes on the same day & time for 8 consecutive weeks. Missed lessons cannot be made up on another day or time.

LessonLesson & LiftLesson, Lift & Rental
HST is extra on all lift tickets and rentals.
HST is extra on all lessons for persons 15 years of age and over.
Lift & Rental in Lesson Package are valid for 4 Hours

All Mountain Ski Program, 9-12 Years

The All Mountain Ski Program is designed to give youth a well-rounded experience on the slopes. It is a nine week program divided into three disciplines:

  1. Ski Improvement
  2. Race Introduction & Development
  3. Freestyle Skiing

This program is a fun filled learning environment for youth to improve their skiing skills. Participants must be 9 – 12 years and be able to ski in control and can sometimes achieve parallel skis on blue terrain. Helmets are mandatory. The All Mountain Program meets at the Snow School bell. Minimum of 5 participants required to run a group lesson.

Sunday at 9:00am - 5 Hour program for 9 consecutive weeks

Wednesday at 5:30pm- 3 Hour program for 8 consecutive weeks

***Please note: Program starts on Sunday, January 5, 2025 or Wednesday, January 8, 2025***

Lesson Lesson & Lift
Lift tickets in lesson package for Sundays are valid for 6 hours
and Wednesdays are valid for 4 hours

Note:  All 8-Week Programs & 9-Week All Mountain Ski Program, ages for programs are as of December 31.

Lessons run in cold weather, rain or shine.  Please come dressed appropriately for the weather.  Missed lessons cannot be made up on another day and time.  Students will be evaluated based on CSIA (Skiing) or CASI (Snowboarding) standards. Please be ready ten (10) minutes before the start of your lesson. All levels of lessons are available.  Beginners are encouraged to attend the first few lessons in order to maintain progression with the class.

A lift pass or season pass is required by each participant.  All lessons are broken down into 3 components, Lessons, Lifts & Rentals. If you are not a season pass holder you need to purchase the lift ticket component as well. If you do not have your own equipment you must purchase all 3 components*** HST is extra on all lift tickets and rentals. HST is extra on all lessons for persons 15 years of age and over.

Please note: Missed lessons cannot be made up on another day or time.

Refunds for programs are as follows; Refunds will be given until December 1, 2024 with a $75 +hst admin fee for lessons only. After December 1, 2024 no refunds for lesson will be given.